A very common digital edit is making the eyes POP! on portraits. This can be done quite easily on Photoshop with the Dodge/Burn Tool (see screenshot). In the photo below, I have done several things in PS other than just the eye pop. They include: Color Pop, Curves Adjustment and the High Pass Filter (for the eyes, nose & mouth). To achieve the eye pop, do the following:

1. Select the dodge tool and input the following settings: Soft Brush, Range: Highlights, Exposure 25%.
2. Make sure your soft brush is the same size as the pupil.
3. Using the soft brush, click on the eye several times until you receive the desired effect.
4. Eyes should look bright & sharp, so I also applied the High Pass Filter to a duplicated layer, located under FILTER>OTHER>HIGH PASS.
5. Change the Blending Mode to Soft Light.
6. Add a layer mask to the High Pass Layer and fill with black (if the original layer mask was white, or vice versa if the layer is black, use white). With a white soft brush, paint over the eyes, nose, mouth and any other areas you may want sharpened.
And that's it! If you have a better way of making the eyes pop, please let me know! ENJOY!
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